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We Are On The Threshold Of The Next Chapter

Well, 2020 has been a wild and insane ride so far and there is still yet more to come. I'm here to tell you to hang on. This year has been a year of clearer vision as everything has been exposed for all to see. Nothing is new under the sun, however, it is now right in our faces to witness every day.

On the global scale, the collective (everyone on the planet) has been experiencing exhaustion on the Soul level. This is different than just mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual exhaustion, although that is happening to all of us as well.

The events that have taken place on our planet has been toxic and draining to say the least. It feeds off of our energy. Our energy is what fuels all that is happening. We participate in it every day as we just can't help it.

Remember that the more we focus on what we don't want, hate, or fear, the more we will manifest and align ourselves with what we don't want, hate and fear. We only get back what we put out. We can be an earth angel to our family, friends and even some strangers. But if we are delving into and reacting to the chaos of this world, people around us, etc., then we have already manifested more of the like we'll see. Watching the news and getting more angry and hateful as we listen to more and more of the ugliness of this world or of certain people and then going on line and spewing the angst, the hatred, the fear, etc., lowers our frequency and then we begin to see things of the like energy show up in our realities.

We feed the chaos.

October will be quite intense as everything that has occurred this year globally and personally will come to a painful climax with the help of Mercury going into Retrograde on October 16th and ends on November 2nd.

This is the time to be extremely diligent, mindful, aware, and connected on every level. This is the time to actually make an effort to be present at all times and manage our reactions and/or responses. It's time to take things a bit more seriously and be mindful of what we are feeding our energy to. We have a huge part in what is happening around us and within us. We have a huge responsibility now. Yes, there are things that are destined to happen in our lives and in this world, but how extreme, how badly, how disastrous, or how successful, and how smooth, depends on us. We can make or break a deal in any situation by how we react or respond. When you are angry and in hate mode, you are uniting your energy with the collective energies of others who are in the same frequency and this feeds the situation you are angry about. It amplifies it and it gains power from our frequency.

We have no idea how powerful we are and how we easily and unwittingly give that power away in every moment of every day. We take the power away from any situation and any person by taking our attention away from it. That is the most powerful thing we can do. BUT, the more we give our attention to all things we hate, fear, or don't want, (watching the news, clicking on those videos and stories on social media, re-posting all negative things, posting our anger, etc..) the more amplified it gets because we act as a battery/fuel.

We are almost through some of the roughest stuff but we should consider getting a grip on our emotional ego reactions.

Once this month of October is done, there will be a huge weight lifted no matter what actually happens between now and then. There will be a huge shift and more major changes to our realities as a whole and personally. We will be looking at a different reality. Things will be changed dramatically again. All that we've just been through will seem like a foggy nightmare.

Until then, we are being called to actually take the initiative to be proactive in our own personal purging. We are being called to do some extreme changes to ourselves. So far we've been very unwilling to let go of so many things but this weight that we have chosen to carry with us will only get impossibly heavier and we will definitely suffer for it.

There are amazing things to come as we shift into greater things.

Our awakening is still happening in phases as we have layers and layers of stuff that has been programmed and embedded in our DNA for eons. All of those things are coming to an end.

There is a death to the ego happening as well. Our own inner battle of wills is challenging and testing us to the extremes. We have the choice of letting go of all that we THINK we know and it will not go away.

We are on the threshold of a new chapter in this whole ascension process and it's time to grow up and get a spine. We've done everything to avoid it all and claim that we've already cleared and purged everything we can, but we forget that we are clearing and purging eons of programming from generations and generations. We are deprogramming, purging and clearing for our ancestors as well. Not just this current single life.

This all goes so much deeper than our small limited understanding can fathom and handle.


Take advantage of Rose's October Specials on Tarot Readings and all Sessions.

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