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What Is The Difference Between Religion And Spiritual Enlightenment Right Now?

I will follow my own intuitive instincts, even if I have to disagree & step away from the entire spiritual community. I've been standing in solitude for quite sometime. I'm tired of popular spiritual/enlightened guides & teachers telling the spiritual community to stop believing & supporting one dark lord or group & follow another dark lord or group. I remember being in church and hearing pastors telling people what political party to register and vote for and telling them that was God's command or instruction for the rest of the world was wrong and evil for doing anything otherwise. And we believed it. We went out and registered with the right political party and voted for "God's chosen ones" and gave the evil eye and righteous middle Finger to the world and called them the devil's spawn for being anything otherwise than what God said was the right way.

I left the church to free my mind, heart, and Soul and to awaken in pure truth and light. Not to go back to the same thing but in the name of consciousness and enlightenment. I feel like there are far too many similarities and I'm not sure what the differences between the enlightened conscious spiritual people and the church is anymore. They are eerily the same. I only find a handful of people who don't ride that collective wave.

Hey, I love and adore Prince. I have always felt he is one of the big kahuna beings that incarnated here to change the world and I felt he's always had more of a genuine heart & soul than a lot of people on this planet. But I'm not going to become a Jehovah's Witness just because he was one while he was here on this earth. The point being that there are lots of great beings here but some of the choices we all make doesn't mean they are THE choices for everyone to follow or preach.

I'm not seeing a clear difference from being mind controlled by politics and religion or being consciously awakened and enlightened right now. They all seem to be pushing the same agenda, serving the same side, endorsing the same beliefs, leaders, etc., while slamming and shaming those who do the opposite.

It's alarming to say the least.

It all sounds the same, just using different key words and language.

None of this unites the collective or solves the big issues at hand.

That is just me, I suppose. 🤷‍♀️

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